Wild Hearts is a collection of writing by a group of women living life sentences in Ohio with essay’s by Emily Steinmetz, an Anthropologist, and illustrations by Forest Bright, an artist and designer.  The book is currently in production.

Wild (w/definition ex: reckless) Heart (w/definition ex: huge muscle)

“We all yearn to feel and be loved. The heart being the biggest muscle in the human body, wants what it wants. It will have us going against everything we know and believe, for the sake of it. It defies all logic, as they say "love will have you doing some crazy things". Growing up without ever knowing love or knowing only a distorted love; dysfunctional, abusive. Will lead one to settle for less than their true worth, for what we think is love, when really we're more in love with the idea of being in love than we are actually in love.

Wild Hearts, that's what so many of us have! Searching for that "happy ever after", "fairy tale ending" has us recklessly devoted to something disastrous.It becomes our beautiful nightmare.
So good, yet so bad! It's like an addiction, you'll do whatever you have to do to get it and keep it. 
If you don't have it, or lose it.  It actually feels like your whole world is caving in, people have been known to take their own lives because of it. Or do irrational things that they will regret. That will alter the course of their lives forever.”         
                                                                           - Mel

Forest Bright
©2023—05—21 FMB